
By backwoodsman

When man......

.....started to walk upright, the first thing he did was to light a fire!
The second thing he did was to build a shed!!
And both of these things he buried deep within his psyche!!
So when I bought this house with its 300 ' garden ....with NO SHED  :-O .....
couldn't feel at home !
True ;there is a cellar.....but a cellar is just no substitute for a  Man Shed !!!
So. the first thing I did was to light a bonfire sending much woodsmoke across my neighbours washing !  ooops! :-O
And whilst that went partway to feel at home , something was still missing!
The men amongst you will understand this unease........and for the women amongst you.....just imagine your town without a nail salon !!:-O
Nothing for it, but to set to and build a shed!!
But my garden is steep parts enough to induce vertigo in the faint hearted.....and with many trees!    
Picked the spot and debated whether to uproot the fuscia  that was in the way or work around it!
Having decided on the latter, built my man shed......and began to feel at peace with the world.
Especially when the fuscia showed its gratitude by gracing my garden with masses of lovely ballerina flowers :-)

But the best thing of all is that its warm and dry and out of this BLOODY RAIN  !!!!! 

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