Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley

Back to life, back to reality

After 12 hours straight sleep I woke up raring to go.
Mum wasn't coming to work today as on the weekend Jonathan came down with the Chicken Pox. Quite bad really, and he is worst for wear so Mum is looking after him the best she can. He thought it was just a major acne outbreak at first but when he started getting a bad throat the doctor came round and straight away said it was chicken pox. He has had it before when he was younger but it says online that you can get chicken pox through stress related. I guess it's your bodies way of saying don't be too stressed or you'll get ill.
Absolutely breaking my heart seeing him not being able to do much but it will pass, eventually. 

My blip today is of my neighbours cat who comes round looking for food whenever she knows we are in. 
I didn't do much else today so this was the best blip I could get.

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