A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Chase the Ace

Ironically today I did some work and felt more relaxed. Tomorrow I have a webinar that involves incorporating various other elements and I have been feeling woefully unprepared. The distraction of driving a family and a dog through two countries has been taking its toll a little.  So this morning I dedicated some time to the project and felt far more relaxed the rest of the day as a result. 

We were a little nervous about J this morning as he had a bad night but after a very slow start he rallied round and made both pool sessions and instigated the post dinner game of Chase the Ace. And then the second game, as he lost the first one so spectacularly. And he commentated and bantered and bickered with his grandpa all evening. All the very best of signs that normality is returning. 

Sad day for Carlos who had to put on socks and proper shoes this morning as he headed back to London for a week of work. I was going to take an update of this but it made Carl too sad.

Lesley x

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