
By Mimthing

Spend a little !

I really am sick of not being able to upload to blip between the hours of 9 and 11pm !
As a day goes it's not been bad, sorted some stuff on the "allotment" well I cut it back with a big brush-cutter thing and then dug a load of thistles and docks out! Nearly ok for planting up, would be lovely to have someone to work with, a little interest wouldn't go amiss .
Himself has damaged his knee at work, sadly he is self-employed so can't go sick! We will be up at 5.30am to get to YDH A&E to get it checked.
This year -so far- has been very slightly challenging!
Hols on Saturday, a whole week off ! Whoopeee.

Spend a little .... Dear Mr Blip, please would you invest some of the membership money on making the site work twix 9-12pm UK TIME. I really couldn't give AFF about where on the map people are just let us upload at the end of our day... Pretty please.

Whoops, forgot myself there.... I don't live in the E place so won't be listened to...will I ?

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