Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Giant Green Darner

Yes, it's another Dragonfly.  I'm obsessed with these beautiful insects!  This one was huge, about 4 inches (10.5 cm) with a wingspan to match.  It's the largest dragonfly in the United States.  I thought it was a hummingbird when I first spotted it.  I was thrilled and amazed when I saw it land in the middle of a woody shrub and got a good look at it.  I started taking shots from a distance and moved in closer until I moved most of the branches out of my way and was almost in the shrub with it (at least my camera was).  From what I've read, the Common Green Darners are similar but smaller.  This is a female because the male's body (abdomen) is blue.  I wish there was something in the shot for scale but you'll just have to trust me on this one.  She is more than twice the size of yesterday's Bandwinged Meadowhawk.

So, this is my entry for Tiny Tuesday even though it's not very tiny.  I actually got several good shots of much tinier insects and flowers but this had to be my blip.  I might never see another one!

Thank you all for the lovely comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's blip.  I will reply individually later this evening.  And thanks to WWombat for hosting the challenge!  :-))

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