By JAM28

Deep Cove

Today is the last day of our holiday in Canada :(

We spent the morning with our friends from Enfield, going up Grouse Mountain. The male members of the party bravely tackled the Grouse Grind - approx 2500 steps to walk up the mountain. The female members sensibly took the cable car! The boys bought themselves T shirts to say they'd done it (see extra). They did it in one and a half hours - the record is 23 minutes running up!

In the afternoon we went to Deep Cove and swam in the sea. It was fresh, but the surroundings were beautiful.

After that we went down to the harbour, where Master M gave a performance of Jingle Bells on the public piano! (see extra). We've seen a few of these around - such a cool idea.

Tonight we're meeting up with our friends again for a last meal out. It's been a fantastic holiday and we'll definitely be back.

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