
So, the other grown-up in the family reckons that the technique of sticking one foot in each corner of the sack and 'running' with it is illegal and that you've got to 'bounce' all the way or it doesn't count. Is this, like, just etiquette or has there been some EU law passed that dictates school sports days all across the union? Pah, top marks for initiative I'd say.

Great excitement later on as the Olympic torch passed by the end of our road. Big crowds and a lovely atmosphere. There were photographs taken obviously and they were perfectly OK, but I'm going for this one in a real capturing the essence of the day type shot. I could make a big claim that this actually represents the true Olympic ideal of competing, free from corporate sponsorship and money from multinationals ruining the very ethos of the games themselves but really, I think everyone just loves a good sack race don't they? As for the whole torch relay thing, I've stuck it in the blip bank for when it passes again in another 60 or so years time.

So, for pictures of torches and the like in the neighbourhood check out the journals of leasko and just sitting.

But for an Olympic-themed track for today check here.

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