Phantom Raspberry Pi Blower
Computers are just not what they used to be - although this one comes close. It is a long time ago since I have come out of an electronics shop with a clear plastic bag of components. This is the result - the Raspberry Pi model B - a credit-card sized computer that has a pretty impressive set of specifications.
But the important thing is that it is completely open to DIY applications. So after a bit of familiarisation with the software I might be able to get this to do some interesting things around the house. Who knows - hoovering, making toast, ironing - maybe even a Raspberry Goblin Teasmade or a Steak and Kidney Pi!
So far it has passed its initial commissioning tests, connected up on our local network, http'd, afp'd, ftp'd and vnc'd and most importantly flashed it's little coloured lights. It also has a little camera, so it might even get on the blip scene.
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