
By SueScape

River Lavant ....

.... oh no it isn't! the river lavant isn't there in summer, remember, it's only a winterbourne. But the bridge is still attractive, even with its added sheep gate for summer.

We stopped at West Dean for tea after yet another hospital visit, this time to the audiology department. The chemo the oncologist is proposing can cause hearing loss and as I suffer from vertigo [which appears to be connected to my ears] I wanted to check out if it would cause a worsening of that too. I couldn't live with long term vertigo. Apparently it has nothing to do with the ears, its migraine related. Who knew. The good news is that I have the hearing of a 50 year old, good enough to stand a bit of damage they said. Yikes. This chemo lark is turning out to be a bundle of laughs. Not. Sorry, gallows humour.

We are still struggling to get the differing views reconciled of what is going on for me. We have at last found a Professor in London who is willing to review the last two scans. I hope he can fit it in before he goes on holiday at the weekend. His current assessment is 'stable disease' which is the best news I could wish for, but on this roller coaster, that could change over night.
Hanging on in there!

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