Going home

Another busy but wet day.

Swimming this morning, then while Nathaniel had his post-lunch nap, I played a shopping memory game with Ella. Then, among other things, we played at going to work (her) and going to nursery (me).

We set off on the journey home and about 5 miles down the road Ella told me we'd forgotten Bunny - survival without him would be impossible so there was nothing for it but to turn round. When I ran into the house for him, she fell asleep. Luckily she slept all the way home -well maybe not lucky for her parents - but we had a peaceful journey with Nathaniel reading his books. He insisted we listen to Jerry Lee Lewis all the way but told me not to sing along. He obviously has a discerning ear.

It is now gin time for Mr C and me - and I bought food treats from M & S.

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