fluttering butterfly

By butterfly

Even Dallas loves Kona Ice!

It was pretty much a rainy start today, I have been wanting another Kona Ice . They had only come that one time to our street back in April (at least that all I know of if not I must not have been home). So I had sent them a message on facebook "I'd still buy a Kona if its pouring out I think you should visit ****** St. today!!" Well the rain had stopped!! We had just finished eating our dinner and my sister in law was talking about how she had mentioned at work to have the Kona truck come instead of an ice cream truck. Then it was heard the steel drum music!! YES the Kona Ice truck came today!! I was surprised! and started laughing then told them I had sent a message on fb (not sure if they just showed up or actually came cause of my message). My girls , mother, sister in law and myself went across the street to get our treat!! Dallas was so excited that my sister ended up coming over there with him and he got his very own Kona Ice (plain no syrup). I can not wait till the next time I hear the steel drum music I already have my Kona money put aside for the summer!!

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