Tractor Wednesday..

The first job today was to take a bale trailer to Haddington to get the chassis welded under warranty  at the dealers yard. That took care of 2hrs of my life ! 
Spotted this wee Deutz tractor while I was there. It is only 65 HP ,which in this day and age is tiny,but at £14K it sounded OK if you had a job for it.
 Always knew East Lothian was the holy land ! A point proven as I passed Jerusalem .
Called in to see how the contractor was getting on ploughing the field we are going to sow away with grass (if it ever stops raining ) It was a wee bit clatchy. His tractor was about 280 HP !
Spent the afternoon mixing and spreading slurry,then went down the road tonight to check the cattle.
 The rain is just falling out the sky in places and there is a line on the road where it is dry one side and pouring the other. Usually I am on the wrong side of the line !

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