Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Just an old Tractor. And me.

Oh, another long day!

Son, Husband, and I set out for a Chinese buffet this afternoon. I figured somewhere along the way (the buffet is about 35 miles from home) I could get a Blip.

I had no idea that our "little" excursion would turn into a major day out! We ended up shopping here and there, and just wasting lots of time! We finally began heading home around 7:30 and my mouth could not help but commenting on how I had wanted to take photos!!!

Husband and Son inquired as to what might make me happy, so we wound up taking some back roads home. I sure saw lots of nice photo material, but..well, we had been gone all day.

Husband and Son watched as I called out to stop a few times so I could take some pictures. And yes, this is so much better done solo, methinks!

We found a very old tractor sitting alongside an old had a plow attached to its front and weeds were growing in it. I couldn't help but convert the photo to sepia, but in comparing the photos, the color won out. That luscious golden honey-colored sunlight just played on the rusty old tractor and all the jewelike summer colors, making them irresistable!!

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