
By BikerJim

~Morning Perch~

~Gambel's Quail Catching First Light~

Saw this little guy getting warmed by the morning sun as it crested the Santa Catalina Mountains. This is one of those small moments that make me smile and say to myself, "Gosh, it sure is good to be alive!"

No back-blipping tonight as I'm hitting the sack early, going to be waking up at 3AM. Have to be on the road tomorrow before sunrise, it's going to be in the 100's and that makes for a strenuous motorcycle run. I have 400 miles to cover tomorrow in about 8 hours, Tucson Arizona to Socorro New Mexico. Not interstate highways either, going to be traveling through some of the most beautiful parts of Arizona, through gorges and pine forests, up mountain passes and down into lush green valleys. Going into places like Salt River and Pie Town, Quemado and Globe, Frolicking Deer and Winkelman. You see, Arizona isn't just a desert!

I'm going to be eating dinner in Soccoro tomorrow night at Frank and Lupe's El Sombrero. Best Mexican food in the Southwest! Going there just for the dinner and a ride, I'll be back home that next evening. This is what I do for fun, ride and eat, oh and make images with my picture taking machine thingie!

I'm going to try to upload tomorrows photograph from my iPad, wish me luck, if I can't get it up, I'll back-blip it this weekend when I get back home.

Thanks again for the wonderful welcome home I've received from all you good people, see ya!


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