
C had a good morning at nursery meanwhile R and I got some shopping and little errands done. R tested out our new baby Bjorn carrier and wasn't too sure at first grumbling, she then fell asleep in it!

After lunch we all went off to meet my sister and family at the swimming pool. It was flume/slide hour and the kids had a whale of a time splashing and playing about. I went down the flume ride with C - we enjoyed it but C didn't want to go again as most of the slide is pitch dark inside! I wasn't sure whether to take little R into the pool at just 3 months old but decided to try it.

She loved it and was busy watching everyone, even when she was splashed in the face by her brother and cousins playing she didn't seem to mind! Good little mermaid baby!

We headed home and had fun in the garden playing our new stomp rocket game, building C's new car den and then all 9 of us ate dinner together outside. Was v proud of myself catering for 9!

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