
By Madchickenwoman

Fab Day!

So much happened today but no time to write it all up! So this is going to be a precis!
1) Slept on sofa in kitchen as stomach hurt and bed still unmade and just couldn't be bothered to climb the stairs! Curled up next to Fat Cat who decided she didn't want to share and promptly jumped off!
2) Woke feeling headachey so took tablets and did very little all morning!
3) As I collected Portly after lunch  heard a shout - FD and son No 1 driving past on way to tip with wardrobe that's been stored in their garage  since they left England 6 years ago! Had meant to give it the once over in the back lane outside their old, now rented out, house but decided I did not need it. As I began to walk Lucy down the road realised they had stopped further up so walked up to them, gave wardrobe once over and decided to have it! It was meant to be!Son no 1 went to get his friend to help us move it into my house.
3) Door fell off as we got it up front stairs to house! Then my front door slammed shut. Borrowed neighbours ladder and climbed over my back fence and onto coop and back into my house. Discovered door could easily be put back on so in it came!
4) Major removal of countless shoes, sandals, boots, cupboard, empty fish tank with scarves in, chinese papier mache 1 ft pig, spare electric battery and ladder from the doorway, hallway and stairs! Much swearing from 2 boys! Money given to buy themselves ice cream, espresso for FD and myself!
5) Decided to go for a walk after a delivery at 4.30-5.30 of a metal cow!
6) Hoovered hall, kitchen, loaded dishwasher, washed up bowls with several new types of mould previously unknown to humankind! Made bed, arranged chicken cover for friday night, made donation to PETA and deleted emails, received delivery of cow and had a shower! Fumigated wardrobe with red mite aerosol to combat woodworm!!!!
7) Phonecall from FD - she had gone to Party Girls, bottle white wine chilling, cancel walk go and join them!
8) Bottle Prosecco from fridge and fruit mixers and camera in bag - round to Party Girls, much laughter, many photographs, lots of insults and relating of good times! Large glasses of Mojito's made! FD and me got hysterical over me saying I had long legs when I meant long socks to keep the cold off for when I locked up chickens - I have short stubby legs!  Party Girls partner watered plants and the  dried washing then invited me to see his tomatoes!! FD put out she didn't get such an offer! ( known him longer than all my friends in village as he is friend of London Boy which is how he met Party Girl!  Long story there!!
9) Walked to allotment, took photos of full moon, put chickens to bed,saw Bikers marquee glowing in the field next to the village hall, closed Party Girls Mothers chickens and sent her a text to say not to rush back!
10) Finished Mojito, had espresso, made plans for the morning and Port Eliot, chatted to Party Girls mum returned from an air show. More insults and laughter! She is doing work for the electoral roll details renewal forms, gets paid more if chases up non returned forms, more again if pays a visit to peoples houses even if they are not in. Decided if the whole village tear up their forms and refuse to answer their doors she will make a killing! 
11) Dropped FD home, locked up my chickens, processed photos very, very quickly and made snap decision! 
12) Exhausted and going to bed! Party Girl joining us tomorrow for Port Eliot fun! 3 days of late night blipping if I'm lucky or blip silence and back blipping! 

That's the precis!!!!

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