The Chaos Bros

By vik

First Day

Bro1's first visit day to the high school he starts after summer. I was a nervous wreck, my little boy was going to a giant school and into a class where he may very well not know anyone!
I hid it well, I waited until he headed into the village to get the bus before I let the tears flow. Even him getting the bus worried me. I sent my friend a text to ask her to check he was there safely, over protective paranoid mother, yes.
Anyway all day I was stressed to the hilt whereas he was having an exciting time, chemistry, woodwork, recognising faces from Cubs, Scouts, older kids from the village and getting the right bus home!
I tentatively enquired how he got on when he came in the garden gate looking a bit forlorn, it was ok. Not totally scary and not brilliant, somewhere inbetween he said.
Was there anyone from Scouts in your class I asked hopefully.
I felt sick.
The year head had said that if he had a rough time being the only one from his primary in his allotted class then he would move him after the summer so later on I broached the subject of new friends and how he felt about the class.
Mum, it's ok, C & C that I went to Cubs with are in my class so I know them well from Cubs and camp so it's fine.

Huge, huge sighs of relief but why didn't he tell me that when he came home I don't know!

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