
By lynne_owen

Condor Green

We've travelled further north today and are now near my home town of Lancaster in a place called Condor Green.  We're up here to see my lovely mum who will be having her 91st birthday very soon.

So tonight, after a fairly slow drive, we decided to stretch our legs by going for a little walk up to a Glasson Dock walking back to our campsite via the canal path.  This swan looked so elegant along the canal.  It's such a beautiful area, and taking a canal boat along here would be very tempting.

Anyway, we're back in the van now, it's just started raining!  Lets hope the rain stops for the next couple of days while we're here.  We're not used to rain now that we are softy southerners.  Mum will be alright, she's made of sterner stuff!

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