Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo


This came yesterday. It's rather lovely. A Fuji X100 from good ol' eBay.

Today was busy. The last day before all the contractors leave so a big push to finish off two projects.

And, helpfully, a query about a possible small problem got mixed up with a much larger problem. The small problem was definitely in my area. The larger one was not. But I got pulled into high level emergency meetings and ended up wasting lots of time that I didn't have. Bye bye lunchtime. Oh, and we are playing musical desks again so had to pack all my worldly belongings up into a crate.

It was a shame to have to say goodbye to Paul, Hari, Shah, Noman and marmite-convert, Adeel.

But tried a new route for the cycling commute and that was good...

Now for the weekend!

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