Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Don't tell Daddy.....

But Peppa jumped up on the bed for cuddles this morning, and she and Master Pink looked so sweet, that I didn't tell her off. Or at least until I'd taken a photo!

This morning started with a visit to the eye hospital for a check up. My eye hasn't changed so the consultant is happy not to see me for a year.
As I left the hospital I walked through the nuclear medicine waiting area, the very waiting area that we'd escorted Debbie to only a couple of months ago. That caught me, and I had a few tears. Grief is an odd emotion, it can get you when you least expect it.

This afternoon while I waited for my eyes to readjust, we pottered about at home. I was ok by late afternoon so I took master P to his swimming lesson. He got his back stroke badge & certificate today.

This evening we've had a fish and chip tea, and are spending the night in a rather cold tent in Grandma's garden! Peppa isn't quite sure what to make of it, and rather than going to bed, is bringing us her ball to play with. But it's bedtime, so I'm going to snuggle into my sleeping bag!!!

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