
It's Andrew's last full day here before he goes off to Wales for ten days then back to us. Kio had said she'd like a ride on a train so we went to Evesham Country Park where the Evesham Vale Light Railway runs.

We had coffee then Kio had a go on the self-drive kiddie tractors and we had a game of outside giant snakes and ladders. We then caught the 12:30 train from Twyford station around the grounds stopping at Evesham Vale before returning. This is a picture of Exmoor Steam Railway No. 300, Monty. I'm not a railway enthusiast but we did enjoy the trip round and seeing the other engines and stock on the sidings.

Later we went into Evesham for a walk by the river and a visit to the two play areas for Kio.

Home then for tea of stir-fry tofu and vegetables with noodles.

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