youngies journey

By youngie66


Well just popped in again in time for this Grey Seal to pop up out the water in Dunbar Harbour a nice friday morning getting the first train to Edinburgh from Fife then catching our 07:07 XC service down to Dunbar as it makes it way to the south coast of England the weather was gorgeous as well and I was chatting to one of the skippers of the fishing boat after he had unloaded his catch for the day the gulls and a couple of seals were waiting for the scraps to be flung overboard then battle commenced with lots of squawking and splashing around then I headed for a long walk down Bellhaven beach walking over the Biel Burn Bridge to the long expanse of sand that was now being whipped up by the wind, some glorious views including the Bass Rock made for an enjoyable day so after all my wanderings I got the bus back to Dunbar and by that time it was lunchtime as I do like my fish and chips from seaside towns I had to sample the delights of Dunbars chip shop so a 6/10 was my rating so far the only chippy to get a 10/10 was Henry's Plaice in the Kyle Of Lochalsh next to the Skye Bridge he has a chippy and a seperate sit down restaraunt and the sit down restaraunt has always been my favourite now that would be my second favourite job after my present job as a train driver as a food critic for fish and chips hmmm a new job on the horizon perhaps maybe not my waistline would no doubt suffer I have a trip to Mallaig coming up and will no doubt try the fish and chips there, Anstruhter is another fine place for fish and chips but changed hands I believe and I haven't been back to see how it is and I must try St Andrews is meant to be nice as well anyway all this food has made me hungrey like this seal I wonder what I could have for eating hmmmm anyway movie for the day is "Seal Team Six 2012" Go Big See Ya

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