not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

water fun

warm again today molly her usual self looking out the window as she had spyed her day doing some ones windows across the road so that keep her out of trouble for 1/2 and hour or so. I herd a voice in the flat went in to the living room and there was Keith he had climb up his ladder and was talking to molly thought the window.

He had a bit of gardening to do next door so he did it this afternoon i went round and molly barked so he said i am going to tell her off it must of done some good as she went quiet.

Next door Lola had her friend and you would not believe it, it was a collie called you guest it molly.

Here there are playing with the hose as Keith had just water the tuff that he laid yesterday and our hosepipe ban was lifted a midnight.

Bye for now Suzy xxxx

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