
NOT a clue what happened there. I put it up for 21st, done ON 21st, EXIF said 21st: damsoftware put it in the 31st.
Original entry said:-
Learning curve -Mark X?

That's not to be read as 10, it means I've lost count.

I think it's now fairly safe to say "Content aware fill" holds not terrors. Photomerge not doing too badly:must try some more Stacking & macros.

I, actually, had a little bit of choice here, but wasn't best chuffed with quite a few. I took this one's original as a sort of Feeding Frenzy. When I came to have a look I noticed that:-

A ) There was far too much extraneous shot in terms of untidied bits & pieces.

B ) I'd, almost, missed the "Pidgins".

C ) Being a through-the-window shot there was the inevitable GLARE.

So I thought ... "What if ~~~, let's have a play"

Top = original

Middle = Bits & Pieces cropped, couldn't do much about the GLARE, so I'd have another play with a multitude of Content aware fills.

Overall I'm fair to middlin chuffed.

Oh, BTW, did you notice I'd inadvertently cloned a male Sparrow?

As one of my not infrequent asides - I'm bound to wonder -

If Apple©MAC had wanted "it" pronounced  "TEN" why did they go all Roman on us there and call their :- OS "Ex"

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