...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn


Another week down. Closer to our milestone. Training another guy today to hand out consumables on the 2nd shift. I don't think he was too excited about it. Maybe it was just too much info for the 2 hours I had him. ? I remember how overwhelmed I was when I first got out there with the last ship. It is good though. My helper during the day is my muscle. I couldn't do it without him. He has been a big help and he is learning quickly. I just have to keep I'm busy or he is on his phone all day. He does just initiate but if I ask him he will do it and with a positive attitude. Can't ask for more. :)

I can't believe it is August. Almost time for vacation. I am ready...so ready!

Until then...power up. I am going on a date! Woot!

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