Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

Time to say bye bye to May's bedtime blanket...

... Yeah, that didn't go so well... She would rather give up all her birthday presents and all the toys in the playroom than get rid of her blanket. So, she's gone to bed, still with her blanket. She'll be sleeping with it on her wedding night at this rate!!

Colin sent the girls flowers and chocolates today, they were over the moon!! Although after having a bite out of all the chocolates they told me that Daddy is rubbish at sending chocolates. I don't know what they're on about, what child doesn't like chocolate liqueurs??? What kind of person sends chocolate liqueurs to someone under the age of 80??? ;)

So I've received a gift, the girls have received a gift, Elliot can't wait to see what he gets ;))))

Nice productive day, all my jobs were ticked off then Russell came round after work!!

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