Temple Bruer

Today I wanted to go out somewhere to take a few photos and also have a good walk to get my Fitbit target for the day. So we went to Temple Bruer. There is a tower there that is the remains of an abbey that belonged to the Knights Templar back in the day, and the Knights Hospitaller after that.

It would have been very ornate then, with many pillars. These stones are believed to be the remains of one of those pillars.

Lincoln Warrior ventured up the stairs and took this photo of a chair that is in the room at the top of the tower. I did not go up there as the access is very narrow and closed in. I have had a phobia of tight spaces since an incident involving a cave and spiders a few years ago. The spiders were more the problem than the tight spaces themselves, but it was the thought of a repeat of that that freaks me out!

The place is meant to be haunted. It has an odd atmosphere, but that's true of anywhere with a lot of history. When leaving we met a well-dressed lady in a very impressive car who talked of the New Age significance of the site, pentacles and ley-lines. She believed it was haunted of course. I saw no evidence...

We left her to charging up her crystals and headed off to Morrison's for lunch and to get shopping. Next week I have to work every night and Friday lunch as my boss is very ill. He may need a kidney transplant.

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