Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

New suit

Woke up with a major headache and feeling knackered. Think I over did it last week with too many early mornings and late nights. J left me in bed to go to Portie for a swim with the Wild Ones. I had just got up and had breakfast when she called to say she had lost her contact lens while swimming and could I get the bus down to drive her home.
Came back and went up town to get a few things and take back the chandelier J had bought. Not going to be big enough in the room we planed it for. Spent the afternoon finishing off my soup, ironing and tidying the flat for our month of visits now the festival has started.

Only 5 week before we go on holiday and we both need new wetsuits. J ordered a few online to try. Here she is struggling into one of them. This one is going back. My turn next week.

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