Up on the roof- herring gull chicks, love them-no
This was taken from the bedroom window. These birds will be going, caw caw caw for hours on end in about 2 weeks time.
Do I want to kill them- or did I last year when the same situation occurred? At 5am - yes. The rest of the time -no. Apparently herring gulls are a protected species. They grow to be enormous- four feet 9 inches wingspan.
The RSPB says:
Herring gulls are large, noisy gulls found throughout the year around our coasts. They have suffered moderate declines over the past 25 years and over half of their UK breeding population is confined to fewer than ten sites. One of them is clearly my roof - on the same group of pots is another gull nesting. Their status is red; red is the highest conservation priority, with species needing urgent action.
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