Umbrellas for bikes

Before I left the flat to go to work this morning, I checked the weather forecast. It promised to be a rainy day, so I couldn't be bothered taking the big camera, but I took my small broken one, just in case.. It can still take photos (not the same quality as it used to though), but does very strange things like switching from photo taking to filming mode in the middle of taking a photo. It needs replacing, but one thing at a time... I have enough on my plate at the moment.

This morning I was startled by a strange noise coming from my computer. It sounded as if aliens were trying to make contact from a very distant location, haha! I was a bit freaked out, but the computer seems fine...

Work was fine. I was in the office today and it was quiet in there.

The Fringe festival is creeping in... soon there will be an avalanche of tourists on the Royal Mile. Getting mentally prepared for it.

Off tomorrow but I'll be baking all day. What a life!

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars, and sorry my commenting recently has been all over the place. Too busy. Might have to take another break!

I hope you all had a good day! :)

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