twinned with trumpton


Professor Green. No, that's not right... Plan B? Yeah...

A combination of - waking slightly later than intended and the crap traffic heading across the Froth Road Bridge had us rejigging things. Out went Cairngorm and Beinn Mheadhion and in came A Chailleach and Carn Sgulain - two Munros just outside Newtonmore. Less distance and less time to get around them.
The forecast was for it to improve. So, shortly after setting off, the rain descended not unlike sleety hail and continued for the best part of an hour as we marched up the track, crossed the river and continued onwards across the lower slopes of A Chailleach.
Thankfully, we had a stalker's hut / bothy on our route, so we dived iin and set about her tomato and red pepper soup. 20 minutes later the rain had abated and apart from little spits and spots through out the next hour or two, there was nothing really significant after that.

A Chailleach translates as 'that horrible, slimy slippery hill with peat bogs all around it that will make its ascent a highly unpleasant one'

So with delight, we popped up out onto the summit right next to the cairn and then carried on off the back of it to Carn Sgulain - which translates as 'that horrible, slimy slippery hill with peat bogs all around it that will make its ascent a highly unpleasant one'

So, the hills done, we struck out form home and eventually hooked up with the path (Path!???!?? Really??!?) and 5 hours after the grand depart, we were back.
Tent erected, it was time to get the fire started, and duly we had a roaring great beast of  thing (there was a forest nearby which had been thinned recently so plenty spare pine timbers to be had.

And a mostly sunny midge free evening sitting around the fire, cooking ,drinking chatting. An utter joy.

I woozily collapsed into bed sometime after 11....

Extra is ,an 'atmospheric shot' from early in the day as we ascended A Chailleach

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