
Posted yesterday's as well.

Less downpours today but still cloudy, as you can see.  This was shot at dusk, just before dinner.

Today was almost the exact opposite of yesterday as I went back to napping.  Meanwhile, hubby has discovered the television.  We did take a short stroll later in the afternoon, though, again between downpours (the spaces between the downpours were a lot longer), into the oppositie direction, meaning away from town.  We mostly marvelled at, or, rather, expressed our dismay at, the growing number of resorts.  While we know everyone is doing his best to stay eco-friendly and do business with sustainability in mind, it will all still have an impact on the environment and local ecosystems.  On the other hand, it will create employment.

It can be fun to walk around here, though.  The children are getting so used to foreigners, which was unheard of 10-15 years ago.  You'll now hear a very practiced 'What's your name?' and 'How are you?' called out in your direction once in a while, especially aimed at hubby as he's of course very foreign-looking.

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