All things Blipable....

By Tina

Chilli in waiting..

these little babies are waiting to be coated in some delectable dark chocklit..
and boy.. do they taste sweet n chillieey and flavoursome and NOM!*yes they do!

it was amazing the way the skins on them went so very translucent when they were prepped...

got to make a few new things today.. a few different bars and some pralines that id not made in ages and and and...!
came home and made another Lemon cake and some Brownies as ive got visitors tomorrow..Our lovely friends who we were very close too when we lived in Barbados (94-97)
I know how much they love the lemon drizzle cake, but figured some brownies might go down well too..*as ive no real chocklit to offer them!!*oops!

oh well..hope it stops raining !!

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