A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Rough And Tumble

The sea has whipped up quite a lather today. The brisk easterly has brought large swells and even larger humidity.

It is funny to watch all the graduates from the Canute School of Tidal Control resolutely standing (or rather sitting and lying) their ground while the waves crash up the shore, taking their towels, chairs and picnics with them.

Then they squeal and scream and act all surprised as the try to fish their stuff out of the swirling foam.

Keeps me amused anyway!

In other news, my second homework received a gold star and an oral test of 18 irregular Spanish verbs earned me 17 correct first time.

Now I have loads of prepositions to get on top of, underneath, beside, inside, outside, near, far.......

You get the idea.

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