Harewood House

We had a day out at Harewood House for Orla's actual birthday. Lunch in the Courtyard Cafe first, followed by a good play in the adventure playground. Then we had ice creams and headed to the Bird Garden to watch the penguins being fed. Orla had a great spot, then had to give it up because she needed the loo! By the time we got back we couldn't see much so we decided to visit the rest of the birds instead. There's lots to see. They had an activity area set up where the children could make their own badges for £1. Orla chose a macaw, and then put a number 7 and her name on it. When she gave it to the lady to make into a badge she told her it was her birthday, and the nice lady gave her the £1 back! It was the same in the terrace tea room where we went for afternoon tea - she told the waitress that it was good we were sitting at table No. 7, as today is her 7th birthday, and the waitress brought her a brownie with "Happy 7th" written on the plate in raspberry sauce! We are going out for pizza tonight, and that will be the birthday fiesta over for another year. 

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