Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Brother and Sister

Rusty and Pip on the beach this afternoon. This morning I walked the dogs and then spent a couple of hours getting on with my coursework. Next unit is nearly finished now just need to check over it and put finishing touches in.

After that I decided to walk over the hill to the farm where we manage the livestock. Some of the silage has been cut and husband was over there spreading it out to allow it to wilt faster. Looking at the weather though it wont be until Thursday until we get to baling it. It is just over 5 km from our farm to the farm where we manage the livestock in the most direct route I could take today. I brought Pip, Breagh and Dris for the walk and when we got there husband wanted to go to the beach with his as they had only been sitting in the pick up whilst he was there so we came along too.

15c 5 mph S sunshine most of the day clouding over now and the pressure has dropped so expecting wind and rain again.

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