Ye olde cement
It's a new week, and I'm now into proper holiday time. I spent half of today getting from Norwich to the centre of Hadrian's Wall, arriving at about 2pm. I immediately set off for an explore of the lay of the land, planning only a short walk before check in opened at the hostel. Four hours later I made it back. Oops!
It is spectacularly beautiful. Incredible. Much of my walk, although it covered quite a lot of distance, was spent staring out at the fields and walls and roads and everything there was to see.
The day has been rounded out with a well-deserved pub meal and drink. And a cup of milkless tea. I know there's an entire ancient wall to explore, but finding a convenience store is topping my list for tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I can fit it into my day without too much fuss.
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