Blue Monday...

First job after getting everything fed was to take the Jeep down to the garage and leave it for repairs. They gave us the loan of their courtesy car, a wee 13 year old petrol Honda with 105,000 on the clock ! Felt like I was back in my youth driving it .
Came back and baled and wrapped the silage that was cut,then baler off,mower on,cut the rest of the field,then mower off,baler on and baled enough to keep them wrapping till knocking off time.
One on rolling the rape I sowed yesterday,but he goes home at 3.30pm,so muggins here had to go and finish that job too.
2nd photo shows same field as yesterday,but BLUE sky!
And just to add to the Blue theme, this blue face tup came up to say hello while I was checking the cows.

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