
By Madchickenwoman

Exhaustion and bites!

Well I am home! I have been the last 3 nights but only to sleep then head back to the festival! The festival was so good and I will be back blipping, but Chrome crashed and my photos from Friday are having to reload so I fear it will be a late backblip, particularly as I have both saturday and sunday yet to process!
Today was no day of rest - a delightful  blipmeet with mydartmoorwalks, this time round on my stomping ground of Cotehele and oh my did we stomp! 5 hours in all with a Pina Colada cream tea for us both and an elderflower sorbet for me and vanilla ice cream for him! Lots of guidance for me on taking photographs and all round a thoroughly interesting 5 hour conversation!!
Now I am spent, should have been going to Party Girls for a, you guessed it, party! But my bed is calling very loudly! I am also hoping that sleep will relieve my itching - I didn't get bitten till the last night but am rapidly turning into the Elephant woman - 3 bites on my right leg, 2 on my left, 2 on my left wrist, 1 under my chin, 1 between my eyes and two on my left  temple and the mother of all bites on my right! Most have swollen to the size of marbles but the one on my right temple is the size of a billiard ball and ALL OF THEM are driving me crazy!!! So an antihistamine, copious rubbing in of sting relief, a FatCat and my book and its off to bed I go! Tomorrow I will face the impossible decision of what to backblip for Day 1 of the festival - and then start Day 2 processing!!

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