Decisions, decisions...

Now that we own our flat we can start making changes and stamping our personalities.

The kitchen is the first to go under the sledgehammer. It is very small (that won't change), a hotchpotch of hideous flowery tiles, mismatched elderly appliances and tired looking cupboards.
I quite like 'stuff' and don't mind mismatching; however, without the room to swing a kitten there is only so much quirkiness one kitchen can accommodate.

A well known DIY shop has informed us that as well as charging us criminally (45%) for the pleasure of fitting a low priced tiny kitchen, our cooker is currently in an illegal postion (are they serious?).
My gallant brother has come to the rescue, he is giving up a week of his precious leave in August to fit a kitchen for us.

We just have decisions to make now - who knew how many different bloody handles there are for drawers and cupboards?

I'm a bit sad that all these bits and bobs will soon be hidden away behind glossy slickness - or maybe not, we are forming a plan...or at least trying to...

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