
I know it looks like HE is holding Raj down, and there's about to be full scale fight, but it wasn't like that at all.

I have a sorry tale to tell today.  A couple of nights ago, I blotted my copybook.  Yes, I did.

I pooped on the door mat - inside the door.

And boy did I get into trouble.  I got called A BAD DOG.  But I didn't mean it, honest I didn't.  I could hear it raining outside, and I really thought I'd save her from getting wet, and ..... and ...... and ......

Well, it didn't work.  She wasn't the slightest bit grateful, and I got banished to sleep in the family room.

So anyway, last night, me and Raj had a good thought transfer session.  I said to him, how can I get back into the bedroom?  And he said to me, tell you what - they've forgotten to put my midnight snack in the laundry, so all I have to do is jump on her head a few times, making sure I pull her hair.  She's going to get fed-up with that pretty soon.  Then she'll come downstairs to get my snacks, and you can choose that moment to dash out, and belt upstairs.

It didn't work quite like that but almost.  When she came downstairs, I wanted to go out for a pee really really badly, so she let me out, and when I'd done what I had to do, then I belted upstairs.

HE said, what's the dog doing here!!  She told him the story, and the upshot was I got to stay in the bedroom after all.  I was ever so pleased, I can tell you.  Especially as I got tummy rubs to settle me down.

Then we all went to sleep and slept happily ever after.

Anyway this picture is of me thanking Raj, and him saying "No problem mate - anytime". 

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