thoughts from a broad

By alibaba

Spinaker tower, Portsmouth.

Popped into Gunwarf Quays to buy a pair of white jeans for up and coming holiday- Reader, I had to buy a size bigger than usual due to the recent Mass Eating Frenzy , which I am blaming on my age as my full o meter is failing miserably most evenings - after a nutritious and healthy meal I then proceed to scavenge through the larder/fridge for anything vaguely bad for me ...indeed I am now a stone heavier than when I returned from the States.
This tower has been the centre of a bit of controversy lately - the America's cup was staged here a couple of weeks ago and as part of the sponsorship  the Emirates wanted to paint this red (being one of their brand colours) ,now if you know anything about Portsmouth you must realise that it is a city whose people(some) are very passionate fans of their football team, whose arch rivals happen the be Southampton ,a city just down the coast and their colour happens to be red. It all started,'I believe, during the general strike when the pompey dockyard workers walked out and Southampton dockies were bused in to replace them !

So happily, and probably to avoid upset the powers that be have gone with the blue option .

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