A life in pictures...

By GuernseyNix

A little visitor

This morning, I asked H to open the door as Grandad was on his way round. "Obviously" I meant unlock the door, but Harry took me at my word, unlocked and then opened the door and left it wide open. 
Shortly afterwards, C emerged from his room and shouted at the top of his voice for me to come and look. Eventually I did and found this rather beautiful creature on the banisters. Much excitement ensued and H was called in from his football and told to look. He couldn't see what he was looking for at first and by the time he did see it, he was about 5cm away from it! He screamed very loudly, twice and jumped on to the settee, giggling nervously. He actually took this photograph before I placed the cricket in the field next door. 
A good day followed, ending with barbecued scallops with mum and dad. :-)

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