After yesterday's sweltering 38 degrees, this morning was quite literally a breath of fresh air. Cool and cloudy. So, to work. CarbBoy didn't have to be reminded to go upstairs and do the final touching up on the door he painted, and TallGirl was quite happy to be digging, lugging stones and rubble around the garden and filling in the hole previously dug. We were digging a trench along the base of the wall to try and stop the house being damp when it rains. The idea was to provide an air gap next to the wall to allow breathing and drying. So, a trench, a layer of tiles on a diagonal against the wall, weedstop fabric, rubble in the bottom, tiles over the rubble and then soil over the whole lot. So, at the end of the day it all looks pretty much exactly the same as before we started... But like a swan, it's all going on underneath.
Later, shopping with TallGirl while CarbBoy entertained neighbour-boy P who seems to have taken up residence here over the summer.
Still later, a leftovers dinner and some shoulder nursing. Please no-one tell my physio that I touched a spade...
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