Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Selfie with undercovercairo

Managed my morning routine and then friend and fellow blipper undercover arrived from her French holiday to stay over before returning to Cairo. She went out for a wee wander, picked up some bits and bobs of food for the house and a dress that I was meant to pick up a few days ago, but never got round to it. Luckily it was still there. Don't worry Bb, just a simple linen one from the shop through the food market :-)

While she was out, Caroline called and said she'd pop in. She brought in ice creams - pink and white Magnums - never had these before and highly recommended.

We thought about going dancing at night ;-) but decided to stay in and catch up and have supper instead. One good thing about being housebound in this heat is that I'm eating healthy salads.

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