Tiny Tuesday Gentle Giant
Okay, in the interest of full disclosure, I should tell you that not so many years ago, if I'd seen something like this I would have been reaching for the bug spray. Now, not only can I tell you exactly what this is, but I can also tell you that it has become my favorite wasp. Yes, there, I said it...I have a favorite wasp. Quick, get my Geek Crown!
This is a Great Golden Digger Wasp, one of the so-called "solitary" wasps because they do not nest in the usual big communal nests. Instead, they dig a burrow in sandy soil where the female lays her eggs, one per compartment. She hunts and delivers katydids to the larval chambers of her nest, where she then lays one egg on each paralyzed katydid. The larvae will feed on the prey and overwinter in the nest, emerging next spring. Although a very large wasp (over in inch in some cases) they are not at all aggressive and are valuable pollinators. You would have to handle this creature very roughly to ever get a sting. I've watched this one (a female, I believe) visiting the milkweed throughout the day for the last week or so.
This morning I met up with my naturalists group south of here in Morris County at a wonderful arboretum. It was, unfortunately, quite hot so I only lasted until noon - but the morning was very enjoyable and we saw many butterflies, a few dragons, and a load of bees. And, as usual, the conversation and company was excellent.
A few interesting things in the garden this afternoon - in addition to the usual hummingbirds...a very small spider took down a much larger fly, which was amazing to see, and a tiny assassin bug nymph snatched an even tinier ant. The usual life and death in the flower patch. I also discovered a huge Yellow Garden Spider in her "zipper" web in the butterfly garden. Fortunately the web is low so there doesn't seem to be any danger of a hummingbird getting stuck, but I'll keep an eye on things. The spider is quite amazing and beautiful.
I posted 3 other photos on Flickr, starting with the tiny spider/fly and followed with a beautiful dragon posing on a flower and an out-of-character mono window show. Starts HERE if you'd care to look.
I can't wait to see all the entries for TinyTuesday, and big thanks to Osuzanna for hosting.
Be well.
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