Took Phoebe down to the sea this afternoon while Mr A took all our music equipment to the park to set up.  There was a red flag flying and we could see why.  In all the years I have been coming here, I have never seen the waves as big as this.  In the smaller picture you can see the tide is right out, and the river has left its mark across the beach.  This is of course very dangerous, causing people to be cut off when the tide rushes in.

It was very windy and cold, so after we had paddled for a while, we both had enough.  I got changed when I got back, cooked some sausage rolls I had made earlier, and was ready when Mr A came back to change.

It was a very cold evening and I was glad I took my full length black leather coat, looking the part.  After we had done our set, I came home and got changed into warmer gear and took Phoebe up to the park.  We didn't stay long and have left Mr A to collect all the gear.  It is now 22.40 and he is still up there.  He will be so cold when he returns.

If they ask us next year I will say no.  It is not really our scene, outside with dog shows etc.  We are more suited to warm cosy atmospheres and people who come to be entertained.  Saying that we had some nice comments too.

Thanks for the kind words on my Passion Flower - you lovely bunch of people.  Hugs to you all - hoping we soon get a summer again. xxx

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