Still Untitled

I'm continuing with my new large (2 feet by 3 feet) oil painting. Today after Arvin left for his Staying Connected group, I puttered for awhile doing a few things that really needed doing. And then I stopped and thought, "Wait a minute. I could go into my studio and paint." And so I did. I worked on this painting. Tomorrow I'll do more work at open studio. It is so rare for me to have make time to paint at home. I am so happy I did that today. The other stuff will get done. But painting too often gets put (by me alas) on the bottom of the list. This is probably because it is all mine and not in support of somebody else. Hang that! I want to do more of what I did today. Makes me happy. 

You can see where the painting was when I started this morning here

I added the reference photo in the extra photo section so you can see what I am working from. And a photograph of an earlier painting of mine based on the same photograph. I did that painting in 2006 and my friends Chris and Jyl bought it. It is now in their family room in Seattle. I wanted to try a different take on the same scene so I'm painting another from the same photo.

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