
By momcat1

Queen Anne's lace

One of my favorites when I was a kid. I think because of the name. I didn't get home tonight till after 5:30. I have been spoiled with having Tuesdays off, but this week I am covering the office as Jeff is off. Not that I have seen many extra people , it is the paperwork that is keeping me late. And the messages.Amazing the difference in volume  from part time to full time , I can't figure out how he finishes them all. I'm thinking of telling him he can't order any lab work for 3 months before he goes  vacation next time. But I take off more time than he does , so that wouldn't be fair.Anyway it was a  7 pm sun westering  walk tonight. No butterflies, hardly any birds  and only a few bees still out plying the flowers. The stand of flowers was almost shimmering in the last light .

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