Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Stronacroibh, Isle of Lismore.

Stronacroibh, on the beautiful Isle of Lismore.  (Maybe Snapper can translate please?)

The pic I was drooling over yesterday was taken in 2009.  I was taking photographs of weathered textures for some water colouring I had in mind.  It was irresistible.  The aforementioned masterpiece never materialised, still working publishing my travel guides at that time - and for another 5 years - and could never find the time.

Funny isn't it but I had no idea or intention whatsoever of making a scale model of it.  At that time I hadn't a clue how or where to start.  Now I see it as a watercolour in 3D!   

I always wanted to be a watercolorist, now I are one.

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